Mountain vector

Soul Knack



by H. K. Blackmore/

Fine Arts Portfolio



art festival painter hands dirty colorful paint

Inspired by my Texas roots, and influenced by the natural world, my painting style lands resoundingly in the Expressionism category with an air of Abstract. I aim for my artwork to reflect inner significance of the world around us while also showcasing pockets of detail for a pleasing aesthetic.

I find myself greatly inspired by Fibannaci, Sacred Geometry and the beauty of nature that I consciously incorporate into every piece. I paint the trees, mountains, oceans and animals that bring joy to my world and a soul connection to the walls of my collectors.

I like to think that my paintings give people the sacred permission to remember that beauty is ours for the taking if we’re brave enough to train our eye to it. Stand back and take in the bigger picture or step forward and put your nose to the canvas to immerse yourself in the dozens of individual brush strokes that support each other in telling a larger story.



‘Somewhere Inbetween’

24" x 36" Acrylic on stretched canvas with wood-frame support. The palomino subject is roughly blocked in with a contrasting, solid background. This creates a simple but vivid art piece.

‘Walk With Me’

16" x 20" Gouche on stretched canvas with wood-frame support. I purposely painted the scene with a primary color palette for a piece that POPS!

‘Cattle Drive: Texas Longhorn Edition’

60" x 48" Acrylic and Resin on stretched canvas with wood-frame support. The painting was donated to our local FFA Fundraising Auction for 2023.

‘Ice Cream’

3 Panels; 8" x 8" Heavy-bodied Acrylic on stretched canvas with wood-frame support. This features an empty ice cream container from our local Austin creamery while the mixture of paints across the canvas’ give a nod of recognition to the Texas heat.

‘Succulent Of The Night’

8" x 8" Resin pour on stretched canvas with wood-frame support. This piece is paired with onyx rock and a succulent plant within the resin pour. Notice the small doodles meant to add a little flare and intrigue.

‘Kimi Raikkonen’

24" x 36" Acrylic on stretched canvas with wood-frame support.


36" x 48" Acrylic, Abstract, on stretched canvas with wood-frame support. The interesting textures underneath the abstract encourages a closer look.

‘Arabian Mare’

16" x 20" Acrylic on stretched canvas with wood-frame support. The simple black and white contrast of the painting allows the details to shine through.

“To practice any art, no matter how good or bad, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it.”

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Austin, Texas




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